Ithaca DSA Ithaca DSA

Statement on Israel's Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh

May 20, 2022

Ithaca Democratic Socialists of America strongly condemns the horrific recent killing of legendary Palestinian-American journalist and Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh by an Israeli military sniper. In what can only be described as an execution, the sniper appeared to target Abu Akleh, a highly recognizable TV correspondent, as she stood alongside a group of journalists while covering Israeli raids on Palestine’s occupied West Bank. Abu Akleh was clearly identified as press when the fatal bullet struck. Her cowardly murder should deepen the resolve of people of conscience worldwide to oppose Israel and its brutal occupation of the Palestinian people.

Abu Akleh was a beloved voice of truth whose accurate coverage of crimes against humanity spanned more than 20 years. Her iconic work highlighted the dignity of the Palestinian people and their determination to resist colonialism and oppression. While the targeting of a journalist is both shameful and illegal, Abu Akleh’s killing is merely another example of the systemic violence of the Israeli state. Her murder and the subsequent Israeli assault on mourners at her funeral reflect the routine brutality of an occupation designed to degrade, terrorize and displace Palestinians. Though Western media often portray Israel as a democratic actor, Israel respects none of the principles of decency and justice that are essential to democracy. Indeed, it is the moral shelter and military aid provided by the United States that enable Israel to continue expanding illegal settlements while violating the human rights of Palestinians.

Abu Akleh’s tragic death further exposes the lie that Israel seeks only to defend itself. In fact, the Israeli regime relies on military aggression, collective punishment, and the silencing of peace activists and other principled opponents. Now is the time for people of goodwill to reject the historical and contemporary whitewashing of Israel’s crimes, and to condemn the passive voice (“Journalist is killed during clashes”) and other tactics adopted by the mainstream media to conceal Israeli aggression. Americans have a particular responsibility to condemn Israeli apartheid, given that our taxpayer dollars provide Israel with more than $3 billion in annual aid.

While all people should denounce Abu Akleh’s killing and the systemic violence of Israeli occupation, progressives and leftists have a special duty to speak out. Only by taking an unambiguous stand against apartheid, colonialism and racism at home and abroad can U.S. leftists show that Palestinian dignity lies at the heart of human liberation. There can be no compromise or retreat on the question of Palestine. We call on conscientious people to pressure politicians to condemn and defund Israeli apartheid and to launch a full investigation into Abu Akleh’s death. Even more importantly, civilians must join the global BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement and become lifelong participants in Palestinian solidarity efforts, taking part in rallies, direct action and other forms of agitation until Palestine is free. We also demand:

  • Disclosure of the identity of AbuAkleh’s killer.

  • Release of Omar Abu Khdair, one of the beaten pallbearers, who has been jailed without charge or conviction.

  • Recognition of the BDS movement as protected free speech.

  • An end to all U.S. participation in Israeli “security” trainings, which expand the militarization of domestic policing and the racist targeting of black people and other people of color.

Ithaca DSA Steering Committee

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Ithaca DSA Ithaca DSA

Statement on the war in Ukraine

March 3, 2022

The Ithaca, New York chapter of Democratic Socialists of America condemns the agents of military aggression, including the Putin regime in Russia and NATO forces, whose bids for global control have driven the crisis in Ukraine and endangered civilians throughout the region and the world who need a just transition to a humane economy and a livable planet—NOT a war on behalf of ruling class interests. 


Putin is an expansionist who governs on behalf of the rich and powerful, and who aims to reconstruct the territories of the Soviet Union. His invasion of Ukraine and his claim that Ukrainians can have no identity separate from Russians violate principles of self-determination and international law that all advocates of peace must uphold. Putin has manipulated history and claims of genocide to justify unleashing Russia’s military might against the people of Ukraine. He has jeopardized the lives of countless civilians, further destabilized the world, and generated new refugee disasters. These crimes can only fuel militarism and far-right extremism within and beyond the region. Russian imperialism must be denounced. We reject the twisted logic that holds that “Socialists condemn U.S. foreign policy; Putin condemns U.S. foreign policy; so socialists should condone Putin.”  


At the same time, the U.S. and its allies deserve condemnation for their aggression in Eastern Europe and around the globe. U.S. efforts to promote a western-friendly Ukraine are designed to surround Russia while sinking the roots of global capitalism deeper in the region. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact provided an opportunity to dismantle NATO, a machine of permanent Cold War conflict. Instead, the U.S. helped NATO expand and threatened to bring Ukraine into the alliance, a provocation that amounts to installing missiles in Russia’s backyard. U.S. condemnations of Russian violence are absurdly hypocritical. The world’s chief invader, the U.S. in the last two decades has killed almost a million people while pouring trillions of dollars into a crusade for oil, power and wartime profit. The so-called War on Terror has spread chaos and bloodshed across Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, and other parts of the Middle East and Africa. Meanwhile the U.S. has continued its tradition of interfering in the affairs of sovereign nations in Latin America and elsewhere. The U.S. and NATO’s obscene assault on Libya a few years ago no doubt helped provoke Putin’s latest act of hostility in Ukraine.


People of conscience in the U.S. have a special duty to oppose American imperialism and reject its lies. That means exposing the dishonesty of American warmakers and their servants in the corporate media. U.S. political elites mouth democratic ideals while relentlessly pursuing global capitalism. Their calls for security and human rights are meant to camouflage war profiteering and empire-building. By accepting the demonization of foreign adversaries, ordinary Americans serve the private interests of a ruthless ruling class. We refuse to vilify the Russian people. As the discredited War on Terror loses its power to justify endless conflict, we must not let our government reignite Cold War hostilities or launch new overseas adventures. 


We must also unmask the racist hypocrisy behind western outrage over Russia. Where is the outcry against routine violations of Palestinian self-determination? Where is the anguish over the suffering caused by U.S. air strikes and lopsided warfare in the Global South? We must combat the white supremacist logic that normalizes violence against brown-skinned people while portraying military clashes between Europeans as unthinkable disasters. 


It is our responsibility as Americans to resist the warmongering of our leaders, just as it is the Russian people’s responsibility to defy the antihuman agenda of their political elites. We reject all forms of aggression, including sanctions, which disproportionately harm vulnerable civilians. Sending Ukraine more U.S. military aid and weapons can only further destabilize the region while empowering the far right.  


We demand an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of foreign troops, and an end to brinkmanship. We demand that Russia and NATO deescalate, and that all parties in the Ukrainian dispute seek diplomatic solutions. We stand with the brave Russians who have protested their government, and with the besieged Ukrainians who seek survival and coexistence. 


We recognize that the threat of mass bloodshed and nuclear war casts a perverse shadow over the dreams of the masses for dignity and peace. We pledge to work for the demilitarization of our planet, and to seek the ecological repair and the reorganization of power and wealth that a world without war requires.  


We call on people of conscience everywhere to participate in mass rallies and other actions in the name of a just peace. Soldiers, defy orders! Civilians, oppose nationalism and militarism! No war but class war!

Ithaca DSA Steering Committee

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Ithaca DSA Ithaca DSA

Statement on Events at the Capitol

Jan 6, 2021

This January 6th, as congress proceeded with the count of the electoral college votes, a mob of armed white supremacists, neo-nazis, the alt-right and QAnon conspiracy theorists, stormed the U.S. capitol intending to forcibly stop the counting of the votes.  

While acknowledging the deeply undemocratic nature of the electoral college and the nation’s electoral system as a whole, the Ithaca chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America condemns in the strongest terms the attempt of the far right to stop the process that would ensure the end of Donald Trump’s tenure in office. No election was stolen, no fraud committed.

But this is not the main lesson we should be focusing on. As socialists, what is important to recognize is not so much the assault on procedure of a broken political system that can only offer duopoly so much as it is important to recognize the alarming ascendency and growth of white supremacist / nationalist violence in America.

It is critical to understand the complicity of law enforcement and public officials in this dangerous development whether it is the Republican Party, the two recently elected representatives who publicly support QAnon, or centrist Democrats who offer only an inadequate and lackluster response. The incompetency, unpreparedness and delay seen last night on the part of law enforcement or security is certainly curious to say the least. We have seen in videos of the police or security forces giving a half-hearted defense before letting a mob of white supremacists into the capitol, being vastly outnumbered, and at times taking photos with some individuals. This is not without precedent either. The ideological sympathy of law enforcement and right wing insurrectionists is now more abundantly clear than ever before. 

Many have noted that last night's events are an example of white privilege. This is true, but it may be more accurately described as a display of white power in American society. Figures and members from the fascist Proud Boys, European Heritage Association, Nationalist Social Club, Matthew Heimbach of the now defunct Traditionalist Workers Party, men with white supremacist tattoos dressed in garb glorifying “camp auschwitz”, and so on, were let into the capitol building with little to no resistance. 

Compare the response of law enforcement last night with the response given to anti-racist protesters that we saw this past summer which was met with disproportionate, swift and brutal force. Make no mistake, if this were Black Lives Matter or any anti-racist protest, the full force of the state would be used immediately. One only needs to recall the use of riot police, teargas, and beatings to clear Lafayette Square in Washington D.C., the illegal abduction and questioning of activists by unidentified federal agents, or any of the other police violence that happens everyday. 

The rise of this sort of white-supremacist violence did not happen in a vacuum and neither did it start with Trump. Rather, the phenomenon of Trumpism revealed and gave confidence to those tendencies that were always there in American society and they will certainly not disappear with the end of the Trump presidency. The events that took place on January 6th are a clear indication that an organized left and working class is needed that can defend against any instances of authoritarianism and bring a more humane future in a deeply fragmented society. This includes workplace organizing and growing a militant labor rank-and-file, mutual aid for the most vulnerable, protecting one another from evictions and homelessness, preventing the worst of the climate crisis, and what is perhaps most immediately needed: taking a principled stand against white supremacy, racism, and fascism.

Ithaca DSA Steering Committee

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Ithaca DSA Ithaca DSA

Ithaca DSA Statement on Coronavirus Response

We believe in a fair society that works for everyone. The spread of COVID-19, and the public narrative around it, is highlighting the ways that our system doesn’t work this way – that it is broken. Even here in Ithaca, where many live comfortable, fulfilled lives, the reality is that we have the same problems as everywhere else – all of which are highlighted and made worse by the crisis at hand.

Here, as anywhere else, we have workers and poor people who cannot lose the scant economic security accessible to them. Isolation is impossible when your life depends on your wages.

We need to:

  • Protect the poor from evictions or utility shutoffs and mandate a living wage in Tompkins County.

  • Protect the homeless from infection and immediately work to provide equitable and comfortable housing for all.

  • Cover the costs of testing and treatment for all affected, and work decisively to enact the NY Health Act.

  • Require businesses to provide paid sick leave and penalize those who have used the crisis to deprive wages.

  • Provide care for those who are at risk due to incarceration, and develop definite plans to implement alternatives to prisons.

The limited steps that the government has taken to address the economic and social effects of the outbreak show that real change is not impossible. Their shortcomings are the direct result of interference by the wealthiest people in the country. We won’t stand by while others suffer. We demand permanent relief from poverty and injustice.

Ithaca DSA Executive Team

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